Features Korzinka Go оnlayn-supermarket
Korzinka Go is an online supermarketOrder everything you and your family need from the widest range of products in Tashkent and receive them directly at your doorstep without queues or heavy bagsDISCOUNT 90,000 SOUM FOR THE FIRST 3 PURCHASES Now is the time to take advantage of a total discount of 30,000 on each of your first 3 ordersEXPRESS DELIVERYNow we will deliver in 59 minutes or refund the delivery costFREE SHIPPINGWe provide free delivery from 250,000 sum at the selected hourQUALITY We are responsible for the quality and freshness of all products.
We will return your money if the quality of the products does not suit you!OPERATING MODEWe are at your service from 8:00 to 22:30.
Choose a time slot convenient for you and order easily.
In the application you can track the status of the order and the courier route.GREAT SHOPPINGSPromotions and discounts, as in Korzinka stores.
Additional interesting offers are also published in our application every week.
In addition, there is a special discount section, see all offers, compare and make better purchases.PRICESPrices and promotions are the same as on the shelves of Korzinka stores, without extra chargesPAYMENT and INSTALLMENTSPay with a Humo, Uzcard, Visa or Mastercard bank card or in cash.
You can also pay with Solfy and Anor installment cards.LOYALTY CARDAccumulate bonuses with the Korzinka Plus cardSTORAGE AND LOGISTICSWe work through darkstore store-warehouse - only for online purchases.
Instead of visitors, pickers walk through the halls.
The store has four zones with different temperature conditions for all types of products.
Meat, dairy and frozen products are stored in separate refrigerators.Korzinka Go - bu online supermarketBiz bilan bozorlik qilish ham, uzoq yaqinlarga beminnat yordam ko‘rsatish ham juda oson.
Toshkent boyicha eng keng assortimentimizdan rozgor uchun kerakli barcha narsani topishingiz mumkin.
Bizning jamoamiz eng sara mahsulotlarni tanlab, ehtiyotlab, eshigingizgacha yetkazib beradi.ILK 3TA XARID UCHUN 90,000 SO’MDAN CHEGIRMAHar bir buyurtma uchun 30,000 so’mdan chegirmani foydalanishning ayni vaqtiEKSPRESS YETKAZUV59 daqiqada yetkazamiz yoki yetkazuv haqini qaytaramizYETKAZUV BEPULTanlangan vaqt oralig’ida yetkazib berishni bepul amalga oshiramizSIFATBiz barcha mahsulotlarning sifati va yangiligi uchun javobgarmiz.
Sifati qoniqarli bolmasa, qollab-quvvatlash bolimimiz sizga doim yordamga tayyorYETKAZMALAR VAQTIErtalab soat 8:00 dan tungi 22:30 gacha xizmatingizdamiz.
Ozingiz uchun qulay vaqt oraligini tanlab, bemalol buyurtma qiling.
Buyurtma holatini va kuryerning marshrutini ilovada kuzatib turishingiz mumkin.FOYDALI XARIDLARAksiyalar va chegirmalar, xuddi Korzinka do‘konlarida bo‘lgani kabi.
Ilovamizda har hafta qo‘shimcha qiziqarli takliflar ham e’lon qilinadi.
Qolaversa, chegirmalar uchun alohida bo‘lim mavjud, barcha takliflarni ko‘rib, taqqoslab, yanada foydali xaridlar qiling.NARXLARNarxlar va aksiyalar Korzinkadagi kabi, qo‘shimcha to‘lovlarsiz.
250,000 so‘mdan yuqori xaridlarni bepul yetkazamiz.TOLOV TURLARINaqd pul yoki Humo, Uzcard, Visa yoki Mastercard bank kartalari bilan to‘lang.
Hozirda Solfy va Anor foizsiz muddatli to’lov kartalari orqali ham to’lash imkoni mavjud.KORZINKA PLUS KARTASIXaridlaringiz uchun ballar Korzinka Plus kartasiga yig‘iladi.
Bu yanada qulay va tejamliSAQLASH VA LOGISTIKABiz darkstore do‘kon-ombor orqali ishlaymiz - faqat onlayn xaridlar uchun.
Mehmonlar o‘rniga terimchilar zallar bo‘ylab yurishadi.
Dokonda barcha turdagi mahsulotlar uchun har xil harorat sharoitlariga ega bolgan tortta zona mavjud.
Go‘sht, sut va muzlatilgan mahsulotlar alohida muzlatgichlarda saqlanadi.
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